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Gaia beaches regain a full blue flag

In 2021, the beaches of Gaia are regaining all of their blue flags and it remains the number two district in the country in terms of award-winning beaches, after Albufeira.

The 19 awards given by the European Blue Flag Association to all of Gaia’s coastal beaches are once against joined by the Douro Marina. The flags will be raised at the start of the bathing season, which is in June.

For Eduardo Vítor Rodrigues, president of the Gaia Local Government, “regaining the Blue Flag for our beaches is the result of our constant commitment to maintaining and, in many cases even improving their conditions for both local Gaia residents and visitors. This also means that our district is among those with the greatest number of beaches classified as “gold quality”.

The refurbishment of the seafront included the construction of 15 kilometres of wooden walkways, connecting the beaches from Lavadores to Espinho, giving users a setting for multiple activities ranging from a simple stroll to playing sport”.




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